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Song of Smoke: A Dragon Shifter Romance (The King's Series Book 1) Page 13

  “I’m not denying your request, Seda,” he says gently. “I’m trying to determine if you realize the weight of this decision.”

  I meet his gaze again and find no hostility or judgment there; only concern. Perhaps some of that concern is for me, but I think the majority of it is for his people. I nod slowly in understanding at the weight of the heartbreak that they carry and the amount of pain he has shouldered for them all.

  That kind of collective suffering is familiar to me, even if our circumstances are entirely different. I would never wish to offer empty promises or false allegiance that would further trample their hope. In fact, I want the same thing that they do. I want to heal, to bring my own people back to life as well.

  “I understand what is at stake. And I have a caveat,” I say, earning a raised brow from Sarvos.

  “If I am allowed to stay, I would like to work with your council and be an emissary to the human territories. I would like to begin to facilitate healing the conflict that has torn our people apart and left us all at a loss.”

  The ancient king hums thoughtfully as he considers what I’ve said. He toys absently at the cuff of his robe and watches me with an unfocused but all-seeing gaze.

  “While I find your request both admirable and courageous, there is more to consider than simply granting you a position on the council and accomplishing this task. I will talk with my advisers and I will consider your offer to act as emissary. Is that acceptable?”

  “Yes. Thank you, Your Majesty,” I say with a small smile.

  “Are you certain of your choice, then?”

  I nod firmly and hold his stare.

  “I’m sure. This is home.” The truth in those words rings through my heart.

  “Very good. There is a bit of a ceremony involved for these kinds of bindings,” he says. “It will be fairly quick - you will repeat the oath and I will announce you as a member of our pride. Though, if you are not opposed to it, I would like to invite those who are able to attend to do so.”

  A new kind of nervousness flutters in my stomach, but I nod in agreement.

  “Of course.”

  “Good. I have a private room that you are welcome to use to prepare-” He pauses at the surprised jerk of my head, and I immediately try and smooth over the misstep.

  “I couldn’t impose-”

  “Nonsense. I am the one who has extended the invitation. You are welcome to any food or drink, to bathe and select any of the clothing that pleases you. I insist.” That gentle authority laces his voice again. and I bite my tongue for the moment, not wishing to offend him further.

  His pale eyes do not leave my face as we sit in an extended moment of silence. Sarvos leans forward in his seat, a pronounced curve in his spine leaves him twisted permanently to one side.

  “You are afraid,” he whispers.

  Not wanting to admit weakness, I press my shoulders back and say nothing. Sarvos hums again.

  “I imagine that the caution and fear that you carry has served you quite well up until now. From what little I have come to learn of your human city, it was not a gentle place. My heart hurts for the kind of life you have endured.” He nods.

  “But you are about to join this family - my family. My daughter, my sister and my subject by choice. I would ask, Seda, that you trust me to honor and care for you in the same way that I would the rest of them.”

  I’m surprised to feel warm tears rolling down my cheeks and I sweep them away roughly. Shame and embarrassment at my own reaction heat my face, but that ever-present hope and happiness at having made it here bubble up in my chest at his words.

  I suck in a steadying breath and nod my agreement.

  “Alright, then. You are welcome to return to your room if that is what you wish,” he rasps. “I fear that time and age have not dulled my enjoyment of a real, proper surprise. I had merely hoped to keep it such until everyone had gathered here to celebrate with you.”

  A small burst of laugher catches in my throat at the unexpected statement, and I wipe the last of the tears from my eyes.

  “That sounds splendid. I would welcome whatever space you have reserved for me to get ready,” I tell him with an honest smile.

  He pats my hand gently and nods.

  “That’s the spirit.”

  Two hours later, I’ve eaten, bathed, and am standing in front of a luxuriously outfitted closet on a private floor of Sarvos’ own residence. It’s opulent and comfortably furnished in shades of white and gold that he seems to favor.

  I study the dresses that are hanging and try and select something appropriate for this gathering. I have generally chosen somewhat modest gowns since my arrival in Ruarden. As humans spend most of their time below ground, fashion has veered towards coverage and warmth, allowing for daring necklines in some cases, but never much more than that.

  Dragon women are exponentially bolder in their willingness to bare their arms, their backs, stomachs, and even their legs if the selection of dresses available is anything to go on.

  And tonight, I choose to be bold.

  I pull out a beautiful gown of deep orchid that is fitted tightly in the bodice and flows beautifully to the floor. A large slit on the side runs up to the top of my thigh and reveals a scandalous amount of my legs with each step I take. The neckline dips low along the swell of my breasts and the back of the gown cuts down to just above my rear.

  I leave my hair down and wild and dab some lavender-scented oil on my wrists, forgoing any maquillage or jewelry. I feel pagan and beautiful and powerful - and just the smallest bit nervous as I wait for my escort.

  As soon as the small knock sounds, my stomach jumps into my chest. I smooth a hand over my hair and check that everything is staying where it ought to in my dress before turning the knob and opening the door.

  “My lady, I’ve come to accompany you to the throne room,” a young man dressed in polished gold armor murmurs from the hallway. He’s dark-haired and light-eyed, like Odin, and his face is open and friendly.

  “I’m ready,” I say, mostly to myself, although he nods in acknowledgment and extends his arm in invitation to follow him out.

  “What’s your name?” I ask quietly as we walk together.

  “Viridis, my lady,” he says and shoots me a small smile over his shoulder.

  “Viridis,” I repeat, and he nods. “Are there many people down there, Viridis?” I ask.

  He chuckles before answering and the light, happy sound helps dispel some of the tension in my chest.

  “A fair few, I’d say. He’d just begun to call them to order when I came for you.”

  “Do they know what’s happening yet?” I wonder out loud and fluff out my skirts as we reach the bottom of the stairs. The deep thrum of voices from the throne room reaches all the way back here, and I can feel the vibration in the floor as we walk.

  “That you’re to take the oath? No, not yet.”

  My footsteps falter a bit at hearing him acknowledge out loud what is about to take place.

  He turns to glance at me and his blue eyes hold mine for a moment with a warm smile.

  “A lucky guess.” He shrugs.

  “Hmm. And do I look very Dragon, do you think? Will they have me?”

  Viridis chuckles again. The noise of the assembled crowd is increasing as we near the doorway leading out to the expansive white room. My young escort stops just before a large wooden door and turns to face me.

  “Aye, you look Dragon. You look like hope.”

  He pushes the door fully open and walks ahead of me into the throne room. Sarvos sits on his glittering gold throne atop the dais while men line the floor of the hall on either side of him. Unlike the first time I appeared before an assembly like this, I recognize many of the faces around me as I make my way towards the front.

  “Welcome back, Lady Seda,” Sarvos croaks from up high.

  Dederic stands off to the king’s right, and I can feel the way his eyes are glued to me as I come to stand at the foot of the dais.
I refuse to look at him as I do my best to curtsy in a dress that was not meant to bow before anyone, afraid that what I see in his expression will fill me with doubt or regret.

  When I rise, I hold my head high and my shoulders back as I let the magic flowing through me give me strength and confidence to get through tonight.

  “Thank you, Your Highness,” I murmur for the king alone.

  He smiles and raises two open palms up high and addresses the crowd.

  “I have asked you all here today, to witness a great matter,” he rasps.

  I peek over my shoulder and instantly find Odin’s usually solemn face laced with curious interest. Eira’s wavy hair and brown eyes are present as well near the front of the assembly. And Cecily’s caring, concerned expression is positioned just beside her.

  “I don’t need to remind anyone present, of the hardship and sacrifices we have endured over the past few centuries,” Sarvos continues. No one moves at all as they breathe and listen, reflecting on their own memories of the past. “Be it a gift from the Mother, the stars and heavens aligning in our favor, or sheer dumb luck, today Lady Seda claims us as her pride. She comes to us with an open heart and a faithful spirit, and she asks for our open and accepting arms in return.”

  Joyful excitement echoes through the hall at this. I am relieved and encouraged by the response of the people behind me enough that a huge weight of doubt is lifted from my chest. I exhale a breath that I didn’t know I was holding and glance at the commanding figure next to the king. His green eyes are dark and piercing and focused squarely on me.

  Sarvos’ uneven voice brings my focus back to the present.

  “I will ask you again, child, before everyone present ̶ do you wish to join our family?”

  “I do,” I reply.

  Pride surges inside of me at the strong and confident tenor in my voice.

  “And you understand that doing so will require you to become a member of this pride. You will be marked as a daughter of Ruarden and tied to this family,” he says.

  “I understand,” I reply.

  “You are willing to take the oath to bind yourself to us?”

  “I would be honored, Your Majesty.”

  “Then let’s proceed,” he says as more and more shouts and cheers rise from the crowd.

  “Do you swear, from this day forward, to honor the values and traditions of this pride and its people? Do you pledge your loyalty to your brothers and sisters and promise to serve them to the best of your ability? And do you commit your life and your spirit to these lands and this crown?”

  I inhale deeply and let the weight of this decision settle on my heart and my mind. I glance behind me at the hopeful faces of the men in this room. I want to be someone who makes a difference for them.

  I exhale slowly and nod my head.

  “I do.”

  For a moment, there is utter silence as Sarvos hoists himself up out of his throne on stiff legs. His long robes of gold and green fold out behind him as he slowly, step by step, makes his way down the steps. His pale hair streams out around his shoulders and his hunched back leaves him slightly smaller in stature than me.

  I hold my breath as the Dragon king raises a skeletal hand to cup my cheek and gazes into my blue eyes.

  “I am honored to have known you, Seda. Welcome home,” he murmurs.

  Something bright flickers in his expression as he says the words and magic rushes through my blood and leaves me feeling lightheaded and dizzy.

  Applause and masculine shouts of congratulations ring through the hall. I smile at Sarvos, and he pats my cheek gently.

  “Thank you, Your Majesty,” I murmur and offer another small curtsy, blushing furiously at the attention focused entirely on me.

  Sarvos’ guard come to offer support and assistance as he makes his way back up the dais and addresses the crowd again.

  “We will celebrate our newest sister tonight,” he announces. “Let us dine and drink and dance in her honor, pray thanks to the Mother for her arrival, and toast to newly kindled hope for the future.”

  More applause rings out while bodies seem to be set in motion, darting this way and that to prepare a party in a matter of minutes. I stand frozen in overwhelmed observance until a warm hand slides across my back. Looking over my shoulder, I glance up into a pair of handsome brown eyes that I recognize from my first night in the great hall.

  “Welcome, Seda,” he murmurs. The same, flirtatious smile lights up his face as before.

  “Thank you-” I pause, desperately trying to remember his name.

  “Terick,” he says, and I smile appreciatively.

  “Terick,” I repeat.

  He steers me gently through the crowd of well-wishers, a hand planted securely on my lower back.

  Any other night, I might not be so incredibly aware of each slide and stroke of his fingers as we walk, but in this dress, the heat of his skin and the texture of his palm is pressed against my bare skin and it feels incredibly intimate.

  “I can’t tell you how pleased I am that you’re staying.” He smiles.

  “That’s very kind of you to say,” I tell him with a self-deprecating smile.

  “Truly. I had hoped for this outcome since the first time we met. I remember you had wanted to find something interesting to read the last time we talked. And if you haven’t made it there already, I’d love to be the one to show you the library.”

  My eyes widen in surprise that he remembers our conversation from weeks ago, and I smile up at him.

  “I did manage to find the library, actually. But I am always looking for something interesting to sink my teeth into. Are you much of a reader as well?” I ask, and he chuckles softly.

  “I’m afraid I’m not much of a reader, but I would gladly volunteer to let you sink your teeth into me, anytime you wish. I’d make it as interesting as possible, I swear it,” he purrs.

  My gaze shoots to his and the sparkle in his eye is positively wicked. I can’t help the shocked laugh that bursts out of me and I struggle for a moment to regain composure.

  “I do believe your boldness has left me speechless, sir,” I murmur, stopping and turning to face him fully.

  He slides his hands into his pockets and shrugs, confidence and mirth hovering around him like a permanent halo.

  “I’m afraid I’m not keen on subtlety.”

  “Apparently not,” I drawl, shaking my head in amusement.

  “Well don’t look so shocked,” he teases. “You’ll be receiving many such offers tonight, I’m sure. I hoped that being the first, I might stand out in your mind a bit more.”

  “I have been living here for nearly a month and remarkably, have received not even one indecent proposal. I think you are grossly overestimating my charms,” I say on a laugh.

  He shakes his head.

  “No. You are underestimating them.” His voice drops an octave before he smiles and continues. “You have to realize… it’s been hundreds of years since an unattached female has elected to join a Dragon pride. Most of the men here, myself included, have not known a world where women were not being taken from us. You are beautiful, fierce, brave… it will be a bloodbath to gain your affection. Lives may actually be lost to win your hand.”

  “It’s not a competition,” I whisper in horror at the thought of anything like he just described taking place. The memory of those words being spoken to another imposing male echoes through my mind.

  “It’s not,” he agrees. “It’s war.”

  Some of the playfulness evaporates as we step through the entrance of the great hall and take in the boisterous crowd of excited men already drinking, dancing and singing.

  “Don’t let any of these men make you believe that they are above playing dirty to win your attention,” he says.

  Beautiful, rhythmic music is echoing through the room and everyone is talking loudly to be heard above the melody. My companion leans in and sweeps a piece of hair back behind my ear, and I freeze at the contact. He smil
es and offers a small bow before moving away.

  “Save me a dance,” he calls before being swallowed up by the crowd.

  I stare after him for a few heartbeats until I am spurred into action again by congratulations and well-wishes.

  Eira, Cecily and the other women are waiting excitedly nearby and wrap me tightly in familial hugs. They lead me through introductions as people approach to congratulate me.

  As Terick predicted, many of the men who have become friendly or flirted with me this past month have ramped up their attentions. We toast to the future, and I’m swept up in dance after dance until I’m flushed and sweating, and a pleasant fuzziness drags through my veins.

  I glance around throughout the night, trying to locate a pair of dark green eyes, but Dederic is nowhere to be seen. I do my best to brush it off and soak in the freedom and happiness of the night, but there’s a hole in my chest at his absence.

  Eventually, I excuse myself from a conversation with Elias, who works in the gardens with me, and make my way back across the hall where tables and chairs have been pushed to the side. I slow and stop in front of a single, surly-looking man, lounging at a table and nursing a flagon of ale.

  My heart skips and the magic hums in my blood.

  “Enjoying yourself?” Dederic drawls and takes a long drink from his cup.

  I furrow my brow slightly at his peevish tone.

  “Yes, actually. Everyone has been incredibly… welcoming,” I say and fan lightly at my face.

  “Welcoming.” He smirks. “What a polite way to say that you’ve had half-drunk animals groping at you all night.” He snorts and takes another deep swallow of drink.

  “Harmless flirting,” I reply with a shrug.

  “I’m glad you think so,” he grunts.

  I turn away and perch lightly on the table he’s sitting at. I’m certain that I’m giving him an eyeful of my bare back, but I don’t care and doubt that he does either, if he notices at all. I’m not in the mood for his sour disposition tonight and hope begins to deflate in my chest.

  I hear the scrape of his chair as he gets up and am slightly surprised when he comes to lean on the table beside me. He smells like heat and wind and fire, and I breathe him in deeply. We stand together in silence, taking in the music and the dancers.